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Created By: EyeMSam
Added On: 09/20/22
Published On: 09/20/22
Updated On: 09/23/22

Chefs Super Concentrate Apple (Toffee Apple) is a solid bright candied green apple hard candy, with some dark caramely/toffee notes.

Adding a touch of FLV caramel really helps things without going to far with it, since this is just a small layer of flavored sugar coating on the rest of the recipe.

I took Wolfwheeler's popcorn layer from Suguro Geto, his Black Licorice popcorn recipe, but tweaked it just a lil. Shoutout Wolfie.

I subbed out TPA Kettle Corn for CHF popcorn, and swapped JF biscuit for INW Sesame Sweets.

After 3 or 4 days this is a serious popcorn with a Caramel Apple glaze. The steep does help the balance.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of EyeMSam and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSuper Sweet 0.5
CHFApple (Toffee Apple) 2.5
CHFPopcorn 1
FLVCaramel 0.5
FLVPopcorn 1.5
FACorn 0.25
INWSesame Sweets 0.4
Conditioning Time: 4 Days Total Flavor:6.65%
