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5 of 5 (2 reviews)
Created By: ChemicalBurnVictim
Added On: 09/10/17
Published On: 09/10/17
Updated On: 05/08/23




Smoky tobacco with dark berries.

The original idea was to use ingredients with “black” in the name (hence the name), and to try to boost the dark berry notes in Black for Pipe. I think I succeeded with the latter, but the former didn’t quite work out.

The first problem with the “Black” idea was TFA Blackberry. Too floral. Same problem with INW Blackcurrant. Wasn’t really feeling it with Black Cherry for Pipe or INW Black Jack either. So to get the main idea to work, I had to pretty much scrap the Blacks.

For the tobacco base I ended up going with my Brigade 2506 recipe because that pretty much makes Black for Pipe perfect to me. The berries and Connecticut Shade came together kind of by accident. I asked for some ideas on diy_ejuice and @ID10-T suggested FLV Açaí, and mentioned some cocoa notes. I thought that might be interesting with some FLV Connecticut Shade. I must have read a flavor review for Boysenberry before I went to BCF, because I ended up buying FLV Boysenberry instead of the Açaí. I didn’t realize my mistake until I mixed it up and it tasted pretty good, so I went to thank Dave for the suggestion. Then I saw that he said Açaí. I figured I’d better get that one to see if it’s even better, and it was pretty good too. I knew then that I had to at least try it with both, and by golly it was perfect.

I have been really digging it in a MTL tank. Those berries are up front on the inhale and then the smoky perfection of Black for Pipe comes in on the back end.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of ChemicalBurnVictim and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

FLVAcai 0.75
FLVBoysenberry 0.75
FLVConnecticut Shade 0.5
INWClassic For Pipe Black 2
INWTobacco Absolute Cuban Cigar 1.5
INWTobacco Dirty Neutral (dnb) 0.75
Conditioning Time: 7 Days Total Flavor:6.25%
