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5 of 5 (1 reviews)
Created By: El_Vaperino
Added On: 01/30/22
Published On: 01/30/22
Updated On: 01/30/22

Ceelo Green's testicles were not at all happy. He had travelled to Mexico and was relaxing on a lounger in baking heat, reading a thriller by Harlan Coben. They peeped down his short legs at the other patrons all respectfully cooling their bollocks or flaps down in the pool and bitched to one another about their thickset owner's aversion to swimming. Left passed out as the temperature and humidity climbed even further in his voluminous boxers and Right was worried he'd died. He jiggled in his wrinkled pouch and made his way across to Left, you ok brah? He asked clashing with his friend, the movement causing Green to stand and adjust things, this in turn brought Left round… he came too startled and breathing the stale sweaty air heavily. The situation was desperate and both stones tried to stretch themselves down the bulky thighs of their host, closer to the openings.

Green mopped his brow and headed to his room collecting a crushed ice beverage from the bar en route. Once on his balcony and out of view he de-robed and dunked the pair of them in. Paul McKenna napping on the adjacent balcony was awoken by the hiss.

Yet another one designed with my completely undeserving sister in mind. She says it's my best yet… that means nothing - she still watches Neighbours… I'm serious.

Blue raspberry meets sour apple with ice. A candied slushy type affair, the kind all the cool kids like to vape. LB Blue raspberry and WF sour blue raz candy come together with WF boysenberry raspberry which is a great deep juicy berry flavour. Then the Sour apple from flavorah does most of the work for that side of things but WF apple gummy helps to sticky things up and a hint of FA pear keeps everything wet. A hit of Sweetener to taste, lots will prefer a higher dose than me, and a blast of ws-23. Fucking awful shit 😂 enjoy.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of El_Vaperino and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSuper Sweet 0.25
FLVSour Apple 1.2
FAPear 0.4
LBBlue Raspberry 3.5
WFApple Gummy Candy SC 1.4
WFBoysenberry Raspberry SC 1.2
WFSour Blue Raspberry Candy 3
Conditioning Time: 3 Days Total Flavor:11.95%
