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Honeydewwy Bubble milk tea
Note: MF Honeydew = RAW honeydew*
I was playing around with RAW honeydew (I highly recommend it) and somehow triggered a memory of a peach&mango bubble tea I had a few years back during a visit to Frankfurt, Germany.
Its been 7 years and I hope my memory doesnt fail me with this intepretation. This is a first strike recipe and I don't really see any need to do more work on it. I really enjoy it and it hit the spot for me.
Cream layer The top layer is going to be very light so i have a rare opportunity to really play with a good cream layer.
TFA Sweet cream - sweet and velvety TFA Vanilla swirl - this will take away some of the weight but has the exact vanilla tone I am looking for FA fresh cream - nondescript and used to undo the lightening effect of the swirl
Tea layer FA black tea - strong and dark, exactly right for the profile although a tad bit earthy. I really love how the black tea lingers on your pallette, that is a quality I deem desirable for this specific profile.
TFA Green tea - breaks that earthyness and just give body and depth to the tea layer. While i wasnt specifically going for a matcha profile, I think it did a wonderful job and compliment the profile beautifully.
TFA Cherry blossom - bubble teas are ofter made with aromatic teas and i didnt feel the standard ceylon or bergamot or would go too well with the honeydew... So I chose cherry blossom, I felt that with the vanilla will help push the tea into the aromatic territory and I am very pleased with the result.
Dewwy layer The top layer is very light so we are going in low and linear.
RAW Honeydew - light, authentic and creamy, simple and effective.
You can play around with this, chocolate, mango, peach, berries, coconut, hazelnut, almonds.. Even citrus... The possibilities are endless! stay low and you will get great results.
CAP Super sweet - helps mask some of the astringent top notes in the black tea but also helps in carrying the creams and vanilla.
So thats it. I'd love to get feedback on my attempt!
COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Nerf and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.
Flavoring Ingredients
Vendor | Name | % | Actions |
CAP | Super Sweet | 0.5 | |
FA | Cream Fresh | 0.75 | |
FA | Tea Black Water Soluble | 1.5 | |
MF | Honeydew Melon | 2.25 | |
TPA | Cherry Blossom (pg) | 1 | |
TPA | Green Tea | 1 | |
TPA | Sweet Cream | 2.5 | |
TPA | Vanilla Swirl | 1.5 | |
Conditioning Time: 2 Days Total Flavor: | 11% |