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4.86 of 5 (50 reviews)
Created By: shyndo
Added On: 07/21/17
Published On: 07/21/17
Updated On: 05/08/23
Trending Recipe
Recipe is Powered By Flavorah






A popular dessert in Thai Restaurants. Creamy coconut infused sticky rice with ripe slices of juicy mango.

FE sweet rice is the star of the show here and the main note of the recipe. It fades a little so we use it quite high at 5 percent.

FA cream fresh bridges the gap between our coconuts and our rice and makes the mix cohesive. It also adds a pleasing tropical dairy note on its own.

FA coco and TPA coconut candy blend in with our rice and infuse it with coconut goodness. This might look high for the coconut but it actually ends up pretty balanced throughout.

Flv mango is the mango we use here because it is the only one that will not blend into the middle of the mix or add a musky note. We use it quite low for flv without using CAP sweet alongside it because we want the rice to remain the star and the mango to be balanced alongside it when the rice fades a little in the next couple of days. You will notice the more you vape this the more prevalent the mango becomes.

Cap super sweet actually has a job here and it's to tone down the slightly bitter note you get at the end of the sweet rice exhale. This is something unique to sweet rice and this amount seems to mask it quite nicely.

This is not a recipe to throw in your steep cabinet. Great as a shake and vape.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of shyndo and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSuper Sweet 0.2
FLVMango 3.5
FESweet Rice 5
FACoco' (coconut) 1.5
FACream Fresh 1
TPACoconut Candy 0.75
Conditioning Time: 0 Days Total Flavor:11.95%
