Recipe Image
5 of 5 (3 reviews)
Created By: CheebaSteeba
Added On: 05/03/17
Published On: 05/03/17
Updated On: 05/08/23
Recipe is Powered By Flavorah

I used to love me some Djarum Blacks, and this reminds me of them so well!

The FLV Native Tobacco to me tastes along the lines of a higher end cigarette tobacco, maybe like a Nat Sherman or something. I think they were probably going for an American Spirit type of tobacco, and I think they did a really good job with this one.

The FLV Clove is just asking to be paired with a tobacco for a Kretek style vape. It is bold yet not overwhelming, rich without being dry or harsh, and has nuance and balance. If you like clove at all you need to get this one.

A fairly simple and straightforward recipe, but if you're looking for a good clove tobacco vape this will probably be up your alley. Still tweaking %s here and there but so far this is my favorite iteration.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of CheebaSteeba and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

FLVClove 0.25
FLVNative Tobacco 1.5
Conditioning Time: 5 Days Total Flavor:1.75%
