Recipe Image
4.96 of 5 (23 reviews)
Created By: Thadentman
Added On: 02/22/17
Published On: 02/22/17
Updated On: 05/08/23

Been trying to get this recipe right since September, At first I tried making it waay to complex and it was not working out through a steep. Then I sat down and thought all this profile is really is a dry vanilla cake that is thick with some strawberry vanilla frosting...thats it!

Fa Pandoro= A thick vanilla cake that's is very in your face with a ton of mouthfeel and daap Flv Frosting= A sweet vanilla frosting that normally has a slight throat hit but not n this recipe at all Fa Red Touch= Freeze dried/ frozen strawberry that you would use in a fruit blended shake... my all time favorite btw Inw shisha strawberry= I believe this flavor to be a somewhat authentic strawberry that sits on top of a watermelon base.

 How does it vape?  On inhale you get the strawberry vanilla frosting But on exhale at first you get that thick rich cake and then the frosting. Leaving that strawberry vanilla frosting sugar lips that stays in your mouth. If you vape this in public don't be surprised if people around you know the exact profile your vaping... It's happened a few times already.  
 This recipe was so difficult  to nail down and a steep time of 10-14 days is needed THIS IS NOT A SAV!!!  So make as much as you possibly can i'd say at lest 180-300 mls you will thank me in the long run. So... If you like cake pops from Starbucks this recipe is most certainly for you. Enjoy!

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Thadentman and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSuper Sweet 0.2
FLVFrosting 2.5
FAPandoro 2.5
FARed Touch (strawberry) 1.25
INWShisha Strawberry 0.6
Conditioning Time: 14 Days Total Flavor:7.05%
