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Created By: saspi
Added On: 07/09/22
Published On: 07/09/22
Updated On: 07/09/22

Sweet and leafy tobacco base with a peach finish

SSA Nectarines is used to boost the peach. Wanted to keep it simple but feel free to add your favorite vanilla/cream/custard flavor for extra layering.As a fruity tobacco you could even add a little sweetener for an extra kick

Steep time 7 days (dont vape it between the 3rd-6th day , cause the FLV rebound offnotes are quite noticeable)

Tested on a citadel SFC 0.5Ω @ 30Watts

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of saspi and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

FLVCured Tobacco 0.75
FLVRed Burley 0.5
FLVVirginia Tobacco 1
SSANectarines 0.5
WFPeach Pie & Cream 3
Conditioning Time: 7 Days Total Flavor:5.75%
