Recipe Image
5 of 5 (5 reviews)
Created By: rocky02852
Added On: 04/17/22
Published On: 04/17/22
Updated On: 05/08/23
rocky toony


Sticky Buns drizzled with Milk N Honey, Yum!

Mixed this one for the Super Sunday Mixing Show Ep15 on Daytime Franks Channel… This came out really nice, the CAP Sticky Bun is amazeballs. I was thinking it may need another cinnamon flavor added when I mixed it, but I'm liking it just the way it is! 😋

“Rocky Toony Original”

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of rocky02852 and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPCinnamon Danish Swirl 1
CAPSticky Bun 4
FLVCream 0.4
FLVMilk & Honey 0.8
FWButter Pecan 2
Conditioning Time: 2 Days Total Flavor:8.2%
