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Created By: VenSyBoy
Added On: 03/21/22
Published On: 03/21/22
Updated On: 09/02/22

Flavorah RY4 it’s with no doubt my favourite RY4 nowadys. Since i tried it i felt in love with it.

As a shake and vape has a sharp woody and smoky vibe, a tasty caramel backing it up and a striking peanut nuttiness that comes and goes(Wonderful).

The only “bad” Thing is that you have to steep it at least for a week, or it starts to feel softer. After the first 2 days you start to get less of a punch from the flavour (it’s obviously a steeper , after 2 weeks it comes back and its awsame)

So my trick to make it a true SNV RY4 is to add a touch of Sweet and Smokey tobacco, that gives that extra kick of smokiness and tobacco(Obviously) and CSC RY Castle ( i’m in love too with this one) which helps keeping the toasted nuttines and creamy caramel full and forward.

While you can get rid of sweetener as Sweet and smoky adds enough sweetnes for a tobacco mix, i like a little touch of super sweet that rounds the edgess and satuarates the flavour a bit more.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of VenSyBoy and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSuper Sweet 0.1
CHFRY Castle 1.5
FLVSweet and Smokey Tobacco 0.5
Conditioning Time: 15 Days Total Flavor:7.1%
