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Santa chillin after a long night. This is what his ass vapes.
So, this started out as trying to find a way to use a flavor I really enjoy, LB WCPM. Solo up to 10-12, it delivers flavor, a very sweet, seriously minty, lightly chocolatey vibe. I decided to try to keep this as high as possible and to try to accent it with as little as possible. The first attempt was wcpm 12 / ct shade 1.5 / choc deutch 1.5 and I really enjoyed what was happening. Eventually I sorted it out to wcpm 11 / ct shade 1.25 / CD 0.75. What you get there is a reaaaaaly sweet mintiness that has a dark musky undertone of cocoa tobacco wrapper and a slight choc coconut finish. I liked it and decided to try to balance it all a bit better. I was testing ry4's and got kind of bored and dripped a little of the early version on after and realized it was a much deeper, fuller flavor with the ry4 in there. At first I thought, why not just use the FE with some mint and make a minty caramel until I realized I had the work all done right here and tested the v1 with some FE in it. The flavor, while 'good' and kind of 'what i wanted' just didnt seem to make sense to keep the WCPM so high. It worked fine supa high as a featured flavor with minor accents but it wasn't quite jelling here. Tried a few percentages and settled on this combo as a nice compromise.
This is like a chocolate andes style mint with some caramel to mellow it out. Best after 6 days, but totally SnV for me. Some notes: This version is the most "tobacco-y" version of these flavors that I liked. I was intentionally trying to use the WCPM as a feature but bring it down enough to where the tobacco is prominent. I had my friend, fieldgreens, send me some feedback and he got a lot of leaf out of it. I vape tobaccos nearly all day, so I don't even notice it. If that's you and you want a non tobacco version of this, I would say the three main flavors work together pretty well: WCPM, CD and CT Shade. So, if you're set on trying it but a tobacco newbie, give WCPM 8-10 / CD 0.75-1 / CT 0.25-0.5 a whirl. Or sub in a less tobacco-y RY like JF/MB/FA
WCPM - A very interesting flavor with a really pleasant mint and a really wide range of % for use. I've taken it up to 12 and it can get sickly sweet but the white chocolate doesnt get offensive, just a little too creamy and in your face. At 7.5, that's the lowest I could get it here and still have it be 'minty' but I can see it used as an accent even lower. Early versions had it much higher and when I want it sweet, I dial it up to 10. (currently vaping a version at 10 as I type).
Choc Deutch - A really nice chocolate with hints of coconut. Early versions had me using this over 1% and that coconut finish was good, just I found it distracting and aimed for lower just to have that add to the creaminess of the white chocolate rather than as its own accent. If you want this sweeter, more chocolate-y, dial it up to 1.25/1.5 max ime and you get a prominent flavor out of it.
CT Shade - Touted as a cigar leafy wrapper, famous for being a bully in a mix, generally used at 0.25-0.5 as an accent in mixes. at 0.25 it's ruined mixes for me. Here at 1.25, it brings those strong hints of cocoa and coffee while still bringing that leafiness and making this an unusual tobacco vape. There's really no filler bacco so all that chocolate and sweet don't let my mind register it as a tobacco mix. I'm also used to it, so it doesnt stand out to me here. The other flavors stand up to it quite well imo
FE Ry4 - I chose this based on tests that gave me a dry leafy almost spicy vibe. I didn't want something wetter or too caramelly. I've tried other RY4's as a sub here and without. I think I like this as a bridge between the white and dark chocolates from the WCPM and the CD so it stayed put in the final recipe.
- The distinct coconut finish that was there with a higher CD is now not there so if you want that, crank that up to 1-1.5
- The mint is mellowed so if you want full on, you can increase the WCPM the same amount you decrease the RY4 or it'll be crack your teeth sweet. Or add some yourself. I imagine Arctic winter in low percents will work with a bit of a steep. ymmv
- You can probably sub the ry4 for another. FE is a bit 'drier' and 'leafier' to me. Fit really well with the mix and the shade specifically. They kind of melded and made the shade notes less distinctly prominent, turning that tobacco base into something much more akin to brown richness.
- Should note that after two weeks the baccos are more prominent so if you dont like that, make only as much as you will vape in a week or bump up the WCPM a bit.
I can see doing a zillion things with this and, likely, probably will. Enjoy, don't be afraid to adapt, comment, or trash it.
safety note: FLV CD is on the Avoid list. idgaf :)
COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of nowar and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.
Flavoring Ingredients
Vendor | Name | % | Actions |
FLV | Chocolate Deutsch | 0.75 | |
FLV | Connecticut Shade | 1.25 | |
FE | RY4 | 4 | |
LB | White Chocolate Peppermint | 7.5 | |
Conditioning Time: 6 Days Total Flavor: | 13.5% |