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Created By: Technokasper
Added On: 10/08/23
Published On: 10/08/23
Updated On: 10/08/23

A creamy chocolate cappuccino with milk and vanilla milk foam.

I like to drink this chocolate cappuccino powder which you have to dissolve in hot water and add a good dash of milk. I wanted to have this taste when vaping and created this recipe. I succeeded very well and i hope you enjoy it as much as i do. Enjoy it.

Please let the mixture mature for 2 weeks.

VAPICON - German DIY eJuice Community

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COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Technokasper and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPVanilla Milk Froth 2.5
FWSweetener 0.5
MBMilkshake 2
SSACappuccino Coffee 1
SSAChocolate Mousse 1.5
WFSmooth Cappuccino Cream 2
Conditioning Time: 14 Days Total Flavor:9.5%
