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SO.... this is my first published recipe after almost 2 years of perfecting my process.
I, however, have only been able to come up with one recipe that i think should be published for the community, as I do lots of single/few flavor recipes most of the time... The result has been this:
GOBSHITE Profile I have been after: I am shocked and amazed how much the 'bacco recipes have hit my tastebuds on the "sweet spot" so to speak. I was always a menthol smoker (for almost 20 years) and when i started vaping, I thought I would need somewhat of the same profile... BOY, was I wrong! With all the bakeries, sweets, coffee-type recipes out there, I was in VARIETY HEAVEN. And I stayed in my comfort zone for a very long time.... Then came ENYAWREKLAW's Pistachio RY4 U... My life has never been the same since then...
So, for this recipe, I wanted to take some elements of PRY4U (mainly the RY4 Dbl) and expand upon it. What I wanted as a finished product was a 'bacco vape, but sweet to the taste buds and a heck of a lot more of a mouthfeel... Even more naturally sweet than any RY4 on the market. I think I have succeeded....
LB Butterscotch Graham Tobacco/ TPA RY4 Double: This is a real experiment... who knew these 2 tobaccos could play nice together? Well, they do... As a matter of fact, they are great playmates! Definitely more tobacco tasting together though, so watch out if that ain't your thang...
LB Vanilla Ice Cream/ DIYFS Holy Vanilla: With this combo, I didn't want it to end up tasting like Ben and Jerry's Wacky Tobaccy Ice Cream, rather, I wanted fluffiness with vanilla overtones and this amazing concentrate from Liquid Barn does that so well when you introduce the holiest of vanilla flavorings. What a COMBO!
FW Butterscotch Natural: This was used to create a bit more punch with the butterscotch flavoring coming from the LB 'bacco... Just enough to taste good, and not cloying in any way.
CAP Mallow... This is here plainly to create more fluff/mouthfeel.... I like CAP for this reason most of the time.
Great after 3 days ( I know, right?....A tobacco? I swear! Try it!) but really takes shape 7-10 days... Do not recommend as a SNV... needs a little time.
Thanks! And let me know what ya'll think!
COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of AwsumPawsm and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.
Flavoring Ingredients
Vendor | Name | % | Actions |
CAP | Marshmallow | 0.5 | |
DFS | Holy Vanilla | 1 | |
FW | Butterscotch (Natural) | 2 | |
LB | Butterscotch Graham Tobacco | 4 | |
LB | Vanilla Ice Cream | 3.5 | |
TPA | Ry4 Double | 3 | |
Conditioning Time: 10 Days Total Flavor: | 14% |