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From time to time, my wife will simmer a pot of vanilla extract, slices of lemons, and sprigs of rosemary with water to scent the house. It is a delicious smelling aroma . . . and apparently, one of the scents that WIlliams Sonoma uses to scent their stores (hence the name). I've always been enthralled by the scent and thought it might make for an interesting vape. Recently, she bought a cool mist aromatherapy diffuser and got amber vanilla, lemon, and rosemary scents to use in it. I found myself drawn to it. The amber vanilla added an almost bakery type aroma to the mixture, and I decided to get some rosemary concentrate to try my hand at this flavor. I got into DIY to scratch the itch for flavors that I could not readily buy . . . and this is something I've been wanting for quite some time. I wanted vanilla to be dominant with lemon and rosemary falling in line behind it, so I went with parts in a 3-2-1 format (3 parts vanilla, 2 parts lemon, 1 part rosemary). This may be nonsensical, but I'm new to this and was trying to recreate the notes I get when inhaling the simmering potpourri/cool mist diffuser scent my wife concocts. I went with DIYFS Holy Vanilla and INW Shisha Vanilla weighted evenly because I wanted a light, creamy vanilla that could hold its own against the acidic bite of the lemon and the herb notes of the rosemary. FA Lemon Sicily and CAP Juicy Lemon were used based on lemon flavors I already had. I didn't want this to be too lemon forward so I tried to keep it light and bright. INW Shisha Rosemary was the only choice that I found for this recipe and (so far) is not too strong in comparison to the other aromas. FA Meringue and INW Custard were used to add a little bit of that bakery note I was getting from the amber vanilla scent my wife was using in the diffuser and for mouthfeel. TPA Sweetener was used just to round everything off with a last slight touch of sweetness. In my opinion, this is exactly what I was looking for in the flavor. I mixed it up, shook the crap out of it, and gave it a try. I'm pleased and very interested to see how this changes with time. I know my notes are fairly sparse in description, but I am working on getting better at describing how and why I chose the flavors/percentages . . . this is my first published recipe. If you mix it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of LonesomeRhodesTN and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.
Flavoring Ingredients
Vendor | Name | % | Actions |
CAP | Juicy Lemon | 1 | |
DFS | Holy Vanilla | 1.5 | |
FA | Lemon Sicily | 1 | |
FA | Meringue | 0.5 | |
INW | Custard | 1 | |
INW | Shisha Rosemary | 1 | |
INW | Shisha Vanilla | 1.5 | |
TPA | Sweetener | 0.5 | |
Conditioning Time: 1 Days Total Flavor: | 8% |