5 of 5 (10 reviews)
WELL FUCK ME SIDEWAYS. I revisited this bullshit after over a year of not mixing it due to not having the needed flavours. Well I finally restocked and picked up a few new ideas for Drunken Pears Revisited. I was super worried that maybe the original wasn't going to be as good as I remember simply because I came up with this recipe when I had very little idea of what the fuck I was doing with my mixes. However, that first vape on this recipe was a reminder why I loved this shit so fucking much back in the day. It's tart, bright, and full of flavour on the inhale, but that back end has all the boozy throat hit, creamy bakery notes, and dark sugar that you're looking for. So lets dive into what I changed, because there's quite a bit.
Back when I first came up with this idea, I felt like I needed so much to make it work. There was Torrone, Joy, Vanilla Swirl, vanilla bourbon, FA Fuji, and two different whiskey flavours. It was a fucking mess. Shit that so obviously doesn't need to be in there. So I pulled out all of that shit and focused on amplifying the base flavours and letting things play off of each other. The removal of FA Fuji allowed me to focus more on refining the pear without the crutch that is Fuji. Adding in just a touch of TPA Pear gave so much more authenticity to the fruit, as TPA's pear option has a lot more of that earthy and sort of browned pear note, while FA Pear adds that brightness and tart flavour. Adding in HS French Vanilla Ice Cream was the best fucking decision I could have made. This allowed me to remove the Vanilla Swirl, while still adding SO much more flavour to the TFA VBIC. Honestly, I don't know what the fuck I was thinking by adding Torrone and Joy in the first iterations, because those flavours just do not work in this recipe, whereas CAP CDS, on it's own, does everything I need. Finally, the TPA Toasted Marshmallow and Brown Sugar to add that baked note. These two just work together so beautifully here.
Great as a shake and vape, but give it a week or so and the pears will calm down, the ice cream will get super fucking dense, the bourbon flavour will shine a bit more, and those bakery notes will flesh out so much better.
This recipe has always been my signature recipe, I feel. Every mixer seems to have one. And this new, revisited version just reiterates why I loved it so much in the beginning. Except now, I came at it with over a year of added knowledge about flavours and mixing, and now it's better than I could have ever imagined. Big shouts to Vurve for constantly suggesting I pick up HS FVIC, and huge ups to Rageisalotofwork for giving me the idea to add TPA Toasted Marshmallow to accentuate the brown sugar notes.
Mix this shit, yo.
COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of matthewkocanda and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.
Flavoring Ingredients
Vendor | Name | % | Actions |
CAP | Cinnamon Danish Swirl | 1.5 | |
FA | Meringue | 0.5 | |
FA | Pear | 3.25 | |
HS | French Vanilla Icecream | 0.25 | |
TPA | Brown Sugar | 1.5 | |
TPA | Kentucky Bourbon | 2.5 | |
TPA | Pear | 0.5 | |
TPA | Toasted Marshmallow | 1 | |
TPA | Vanilla Bean Ice Cream | 1.25 | |
Conditioning Time: 7 Days Total Flavor: | 12.25% |