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0 of 5 (0 reviews)
Created By: JOE_ROOTS
Added On: 12/20/22
Published On: 12/20/22
Updated On: 12/20/22


A pretty straight forward mango recipe 🥭

Mango sorbet is made out of Shisha mango, mango indian special and sorbet base. Shisha mango has the perfect ripe mushy mango flavor. Indian special gives it some edge and sorbet base adds some crisp and very slight cooling. You can add ws23 if you want to, but keep it low. 0.25-0.5.

Vanilla ice cream is vanilla ice cream with added vanilla custard in a small amount. I love the dark vanilla note the cap vanilla custard has, and at 0.5 It just adds a depth to the vanilla🍦

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of JOE_ROOTS and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSuper Sweet 0.5
CAPVanilla Custard 0.5
FAMango Indian Special 1.5
LBVanilla Ice Cream 3
VTShisha Mango 3
VTSorbet Base 1.25
Conditioning Time: 3 Days Total Flavor:9.75%
