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Created By: dippindabbin
Added On: 10/05/22
Published On: 10/05/22
Updated On: 10/06/22

An overstuffed, magical, sticky raspberry and orange jam filled donut. None other than the Pony'd Up Donut 🌈🦄🍩

FA Doughnut Crispy, WF Glazed Donut, & CAP Custard Cake - Makes up the base of the donut that sits in the background to the fruit-forward filling.

INW Shisha Raspberry & OOO Strawberry Jam - Makes up the raspberry component of the filling. Raspberry is more syrupy so the jam gives it some stickiness.

VT Orange Marmalade - Makes up the orange component of the filling. Exactly as it sounds, a sticky orange peel-forward marmalade that meshes really well with the raspberry. Has a very slight floral component to it which I think is interesting.

Comes together best after about 3-4 days. In the first 2 days the raspberry is too far in the front. It really meshes together best after those first few days and I personally don't recommend shake n' vaping this.

For a more powdered donut experience, feel free to add 1% OOO Powdered Sugar to top it off!

If you'd like a different take on the filling, I do have a strawberry and pineapple variant that is also great. You can find it here:

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of dippindabbin and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPCustard Cake 2.5
FWSweetener 0.5
FADoughnut Crispy 2
INWShisha Raspberry 2
OOOStrawberry Jam 0.75
VTOrange Marmalade 1.75
WFGlazed Donut SC 2
Conditioning Time: 3 Days Total Flavor:11.5%
