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0 of 5 (0 reviews)
Created By: Mindfloodz
Added On: 02/12/22
Published On: 02/12/22
Updated On: 06/06/22

Best Ice cream base I've found yet

I use ID10t's VIC base as a staple in almost any ice cream I'm going for. It is the perfect ice cream in my opinion. I just received OoO Rainbow Sherbet (Top Shelf) and knew this would be a perfect starting point to making a sherbet base that could be altered in the future for different flavor options (Raspberry, orange, lime, tropical sherbets, etc...) I wanted to keep it simple and further build this out in the future. This is a great starting point for a really nice creamy sherbet recipe. Thank you ID10T for this amazing VIC base to lean on, I love it. If you need a good ice cream base, look no further than his 1-2-3 VIC.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Mindfloodz and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSuper Sweet 0.5
OOORainbow Sherbet (Top Shelf) 1.5
SSAIce Cream Vanilla 1
TPAVanilla Swirl 2
WFVanilla Ice Cream SC 3
Conditioning Time: 0 Days Total Flavor:8%
