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Created By: sorteal
Added On: 01/03/22
Published On: 01/03/22
Updated On: 11/29/22

After my Vanilla Overdose Custard II recipe quickly became one of my ADVs I decided to give a chocolate version a try.

First I tried VT Chocolate Custard but it comes across with an odd sweet note right up front that I didn't like. Then I settled on a mix of FA Custard Premium and VT Chocolate Mousse for the base. I added just a touch of WF French Vanilla Thick for a little boost to the body. I also wanted a whipped cream to go on top so I went with the old reliable OoO Whipped Cream.

To fill out the rest of the chocolate took some work. I tried CAP Double Chocolate V2, MB Glamour Chocolate and a few others before remembering how well FE Milk Chocolate works when used with other chocolate flavors. Finally, to really round the chocolate out and add some chocolatey mouth feel, I added WF Chocolate Frosting.

INW Custard was also added to kick the custard flavor up on equal footing with the chocolate flavors. FA Custard Premium, while probably the best custard flavor, gets overpowering in a bad way when pushed too high so INW Custard was used instead of pumping CP up higher.

I didn't add a sweetener because all the ones I tried changed the flavor too much in the wrong direction and this mix is plenty sweet enough by itself imo.

Chocolate is always a pain in the ass to do and this recipe was no different. I had a different version up for a few days but then took it down after more tests came out better. Finally I think I have a really good recipe. I hope you enjoy!

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of sorteal and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

FEMilk Chocolate 1.75
FACustard Premium 3
INWCustard 1.5
OOOWhipped Cream 1.25
VTChocolate Mousse 2.75
WFChocolate Frosting 1.5
WFFrench Vanilla (Thick) 1
Conditioning Time: 4 Days Total Flavor:12.75%
