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Created By: Chasing84
Added On: 12/27/21
Published On: 12/27/21
Updated On: 01/02/22

You may substitute FA Blackcurrant for the SSA but imo the SSA is the best 😉

UPDATE: This stuff is amazing in a MTL tank @ 6mg with a loose MTL. I'm currently using it in the Hellvape Vertex with a .83 ohm duel 30ga with 40ga on the outside at 18watts and wow even better than I could have imagined 😆.

Update 2: so I figured out why I like this juice so much the combination of all the strawberries with a little lemon lime and a touch of black currant has given me what tastes like the best guava juice I have ever had without any guava! Definitely one of my favorite recipes that I have made so far!

So DL RDL and MTL approved!

Not actually all that fizzy but this is delicious and for your knowledge the lemon lime is just too add a slight citrus note and push the other fruits forward and wow does it all work. Shake Vape Enjoy this delightful fruit drink!

Tested on a wasp nano RDA with a .37 @60 watts

Let me know what you think 🤔

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Chasing84 and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPLemon Lime 1
CAPSuper Sweet 1
JFUltimate Strawberry 2
OTHRWS-23 0.15
PURFizzy Strawberry 2
SSABlackcurrant 0.25
TPAStrawberry 2.5
Conditioning Time: 2 Days Total Flavor:8.9%

