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Created By: DeeeGenerate
Added On: 12/21/21
Published On: 03/27/22
Updated On: 03/27/22

Some honey recipes can get kinda thick, but MB Shape Up Pear and FA Fig Fresh help keep this one nice and bright. FA Honey is perfectly realistic, and VT Sweet Honey adds a deliciously subtle, floral vibe. The combination of Fig and Pear really help to keep the flavor lively and interesting. I can’t take full credit for the idea… because I originally started chasing this flavor after trying Rocket Vapes “Bee Sweet” e-Liquid. This facsimile has a soft, natural sweetness that is deepened by TFA Brown Sugar. It’s simple, but it’s flavorful. The chill vibe that might make a good all-day vape..

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of DeeeGenerate and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

FWSweetener 0.75
FAFig Fresh 3
FAHoney 1.75
MBShape Up Pear 1.25
TPABrown Sugar 2
VTSweet Honey 2.5
Conditioning Time: 0 Days Total Flavor:11.25%
