Recipe Image
5 of 5 (13 reviews)
Created By: Dave80
Added On: 12/18/21
Published On: 12/18/21
Updated On: 05/08/23

I called it God Nectar because it was the first thing that came in my mind when i tasted it. A tropical, fruity delicious vape IMHO. Mix it and tell me your opinion. The ws can be reduce or increase at your choice (the original was with 2%, i like it very cold :) ). Best after 4 days. Gary liked it, hope you will too :)

P.S i heard there is a commercial ejuice with the same name, so it's got nothing to do with, i never tried it, we just thought and have the same name :)

קראתי לזה נקטר האלים, כי זה הדבר הראשון שעלה במוחי... שילוב נפלא של גויאבה דומיננטית עם אפרסק ותות שמלווים היטב את הטעם הטרופי המשובח הזה. אשמח שתערבבו, תדרגו ותעירו :) D@ve💫

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Dave80 and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSuper Sweet 0.7
CAPSweet Guava 6
CAPSweet Strawberry 2
CAPYellow Peach 3
Conditioning Time: 4 Days Total Flavor:12.7%
