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Created By: HobbsDeVape
Added On: 12/12/21
Published On: 12/12/21
Updated On: 12/12/21

SomeSortof Teen Spirit is a mellow fluffy cream accented with chocolate, a hit of nougat, a touch of vanilla and caramel.

Title is a tribute to Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit anthem (check how many views)

This #recipe was born last month out of a mood, listening to the song, it represents well a festive fun spirit, so I'm sharing it appropriately before Christmas and New Year.

Needs 3 weeks steep. Sweetener level can start at 0.25 or more, works for me at 1 Change or substitute whatever you wish or need. Feedback always welcome.


COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of HobbsDeVape and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSuper Sweet 1
FAMarshmallow 1.5
FAMilk 1
FATorrone 0.4
TPADouble Chocolate (clear) 0.4
TPARy4 Double 2
TPAVanilla Custard II 2
Conditioning Time: 21 Days Total Flavor:8.3%
