Recipe Image
5 of 5 (3 reviews)
Created By: rocky02852
Added On: 12/11/21
Published On: 12/11/21
Updated On: 05/08/23

Salted Caramel Peanut Pretzel Bars

“Rocky Toony Original”

Do you have a favorite candy bar? I honestly don’t know if I could pick just one… but one that’s definitely on the list is a Payday. That sweet/salty combination is just so mouthwatering! This salted caramel peanut pretzel bar recipe does't really taste exactly like a Payday… in fact, it’s hard to say exactly what candy bar it does taste like. I guess the way that would describe it best would be to say it’s just a fun mixture, full flavored and very well blended. The peanut is not too overpowering here but it’s loaded with gooey marshmallow/ caramel that is just dang tasty. All on top of a salty pretzel crust, Yum! 😋

Steep time listed is GC homogenized plus 3 days steep, otherwise go a week or so. The Marshmallow Gooey is an upsteeper…

Set-up: FreeMaxMeshPro Single Mesh coil, 0.14ohm at 65 watts

Inspired by SmokyBlue’s “Twisted Fried Pretzels”

Dedicated to Salty Brine - “Walt the Salt” (1918 - 2004) A genuinely nice man. For more info on Salty Brine, visit > facts and folklore > Reminiscences > Salty Brine

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of rocky02852 and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients
