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3 of 5 (1 reviews)
Created By: ninedimensions
Added On: 12/11/21
Published On: 12/11/21
Updated On: 03/22/22

(RECIPE UPDATED AS OF 2-19-22 -> Lowered FA Juicy Strawberry to 2.5% and increased TFA Dragonfruit to 1%) Luscious and delectable Strawberry Banana recipe. If you love strawberry recipes you can taste, then this is the one for you. That VT Banana custard layers heavenly with the strawberries in the mix. With a touch of FE lemon and TFA Dragonfruit to make everything cohesive and pop, it is definitely a recipe worth trying.

If you love simple fruit mixes, this recipe is for you. The best part is that it keeps getting better and better each day. It definitely comes together well after 2 days.

ALL feedback is appreciated!!

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of ninedimensions and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

FELemon 0.25
FAJuicy Strawberry 2.5
INWShisha Strawberry 0.5
TPADragonfruit 1
VTBanana Custard 2.25
Conditioning Time: 2 Days Total Flavor:6.5%
