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5 of 5 (3 reviews)
Created By: Sanctum
Added On: 03/25/21
Published On: 03/25/21
Updated On: 05/08/23

So inspiration came from Spiders Duet entry actually, i decided to throw a pineapple in there because it sounded good and wanted to make a sorta pina colada with mango prominent throughout while not taking over the pineapple too much. VT Shisha mango and FA MIS makes a nice and well rounded mango for me. VT sugarloaf pineapple needed a little help from INW pineapple but thats fine. and VT fizzy sherbet with FA whipped cream really thicken this up quite a bit and give it a good smoothie texture.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Sanctum and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

FACream Whipped 1.25
FAMango Indian Special 2.25
INWPineapple 1
OTHRWS-23 0.3
VTFizzy Sherbet 2
VTShisha Mango 1.5
VTSugarloaf Pineapple 3
Conditioning Time: 5 Days Total Flavor:11.3%
