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Get ready to pour out a mug of bittersweet cocoa for all your fallen Bronies, because now you can have it in vape form!
A lot of the ingredients in the recipes are used to balance each other out, not for the their specified flavor.
Main Profile :
The Ry4 Double(TPA) is a good counterweight to the Cocoa(FA) to a more well rounded cocoa drink flavor, the Ry4 tobacco flavor adds a slight grainy bite, like cocoa powder in your cup.
Sub flavor profile: The Bavarian Cream(TFA) and Catalan Cream(FA) are used together to create a heavy whipping cream taste without over sweetening the mix.
Sweeteners: The main and sub flavor make for a very heavy vape, allowing the Cookie(FA) to add a little bite without giving a cookie flavor, and paired with Honeysuckle(TPA) gives a nice light sweetness.
Steep Time: Pretty dark shake and vape but still decent. Recommend atleast 4-7 days steep.
If you like a sweeter lighter cocoa, raise the Bavarian cream by .5% and sucralose(or sweetener of your choice) to taste.
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COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Rageisalotofwork and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.
Flavoring Ingredients
Vendor | Name | % | Actions |
FA | Catalan Cream | 1.3 | |
FA | Cocoa | 1.6 | |
FA | Cookie | 0.75 | |
TPA | Bavarian Cream | 1.2 | |
TPA | Honeysuckle (pg) | 2.2 | |
TPA | Ry4 Double | 3 | |
Conditioning Time: 0 Days Total Flavor: | 10.05% |