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Member since Mar-08-2017
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I was vaping ENYAWYREKLAW's Boosted V3 (Strawberries and Cream) and reading his description. He stated he was still looking for a frosty milk, meringue -y note to get that recipe's authenticity further down the road. I had just finished another recipe, wherein I noticed a frosty - milky note, so I applied it here to see if it would work in this case. I think it does. Right off the shake this has a full, deep strawberry flavor against a milky cream background. There is a definite frosty "Twang" in the milky cream. This comes from the Cream Cheese Icing flavor.
5(1 review)In ProgressSPECIAL THANKS to CANADIAN VAPOR for helping me navigate this newly formatted site.
This is a Delicious Vanilla Cream you can Vape right from the shake.
0(0 reviews)In ProgressOnce again I make a recipe and it has lots of ingredients. Dont let that scare you. When I mix, I mix components, then I layer them in and mask the seams... . This turned out to be a delicious apple pie covered in my latest attempt at a dark ,sweet, chewey caramel. I said attempt, in any case the pie is delicious and it has everything in there. Crust, delicious apple filling, and sweet caramel. I think you will enjiy this. Comments and critiques welcome.
5(1 review)CompleteThankful for many Blessings this Thanksgiving Holiday, Here I try to create a bridge from RY4 to Bananaflavor. A maple custard mix seemed to do the trick. Connecticut shade here to bend ry4 to a more coffee note … thus creating a Banofee effect to help the bridge and tweak the main note, a moist, sticky-sweet RY4 The Vanilla and Whipped cream are for mouthfeel and creaminess.
FLAVOR PROFILE: I wanted to make a we,t sticky - sweet RY4 against a light Banana Cream back drop. I also want to bridge the flavors so that the sticky sweet RY4 seems to stem from or be a part or stage of the banana flavor, a more aged banana, yet with enough imaging to recognize it as a sweet RY4.
Note: After a day or two steeping this stuff is delicious. . . . . . gotta say
0(0 reviews)CompleteThis is a Coconut Cream Pie with a lighter Cookie Pie Crust and a Vanilla Bourbon Whipped Cream topping.
At first glance, this recipe appears out of control due to the many flavors used. Try not to let that scare you away, especially if you like Coconut Cream Pie.The most difficult part of this recipe was trying to create a Pie Crust flavor that did not infringe on the Coconut Cream flavors or the Vanilla and Bourbon Cream highlights. So for the Pie Crust I used AP to keep a bakery edge, and the two lighter flavored Cookies (Shortbread Cookies WF, Almond Cookie WF). The Coconut Flavors speak for temselves. The Marzipan is used to enhance the coconut flavors as too is the Bourbon. Suprisingly, Bourbon is a great coconut enhancer.
This is good after a little settling time, ( a few hours), however it is also a great SNV recipe. Enjoy, Comments Ratings welcome.
NOTE: I just mixed a quick 30 mls of this again. This is really really good. If you like coconut custard then you should take a minute and mix this up. You wont be sorry.
5(1 review)Complete10-24-22 NOTE: After a a really nice positive review on Noted, I revisited this recipe. I still enjoy the flavors in this mix. I decided to tweak this by adding 0.85 % FLV Caramel and I love the result. So here ya go Cinnana V2 . To me this result is a delicious brown sugar addition to the original. Original notes are directly below this.
I have been at this profile for three weeks now. Or is it four.....maybe five..... This reminds me of Bad Drip's "Ugly Butter". I believe it is very similar to that profile. Although I like that, I have not had it in a long time, ....It is Banana cut with bakery cinnamon and all on a bed of fried glazed dough. Fantastic right off the shake, gets better with time. I hope you mix it and enjoy it. Comments welcome. Enjoy!
0(0 reviews)CompleteAlmond Cookies in a Creamy Coconut Custard with a Splash of Bourbon; Will have you returning for another taste, ... again, and again, and again, and again. Almond Cookies: Almond, Almond Cookie, Sugar Cookie Creamy Coconut Custard: Coconut Cream Pie, Coconut Custard, Sweet Coconut Marzipan: Flying Dutchman of the recipe, ... it both Boosts and and Bridges the Almond and Coconut Flavors.
0(0 reviews)CompleteMoist and tasty Sponge Cake covered with a Vanilla Buttercream Frosting highlighted with a Devonshire Chocolate Cream Drizzle.
Cake - JF Yellow Cake, PUR Simply Cake, CAP Custard Cake. Vanilla Butter Cream Frosting - VTA Van. Buttercream Frosting (lol). Devonshire Chocolate Cream Drizzle - FA Vienna Cream, VTA Devon Cream
Custard Cake and Vanilla Swirl were added to smooth over the transitions from cake to frosting and also to add body to the mix.
SNV but gets really good after a night's steeping.
5(1 review)CompleteA very tasty fruit tart that consists mainly of Plums and infused with lemon to brighten the flavor. The crust is a Tort Pie crust which is a harder pie crust required to contain the fruit and juices. Finally the Tort is garnished with mint to add a tasty nuance and further brighten the flavor.
0(0 reviews)CompleteSweet Cinnamon Buns are great in the morning. Same when Vaped. Both are excellent when there is plenty of bright sweet icing.
0(0 reviews)CompleteThis is a delicious sugar cookie/nougat, covered in powdered sugar. Torrone Provides that Honey-Almond/sweet Nougat flavor. The Powdered sugar flavor is from the Meringue Torrone combination. INW Custard is used here to smooth out any rough edges and introduce a butter note. Finally, I used the AP, Biscuit (JF), CSC (MB) and sugar cookie to build a solid cookie / bakery base. I hope you enjoy this as I do.
0(0 reviews)CompleteTested and created using a Mechlyfe "Arcless" Mechanical Mod and a Dead Rabbit RDA (Versions 2 and 3). I first either dreamed that I saw or did actually see a recipe that combined Lemon Meringue Pie with Plum. I cannot find that original pairing anymore though. In any event the pairing works well. You could use those two ingredients and you have a decent enough plum flavor to vape all day (IMHO). I wanted to tinker with the concept of pudding ....... more notes on this coming soon. In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this.
0(0 reviews)CompleteCreated and tested using a Mechlyfe "Arcless" Mechanical Mod , using a Dead Rabbit RDA (Versions 2 and 3). Essentially this recipe pits the full force and depth of the Flavorah Pink Guava flavor against a Coconut and hearty Cheesecake cream. I started with the Pink Guava. This flavor is very powerful, and it does not take much of it to overtake a recipe. Next I borrowed a creamy background that was created by the boys over at Developed. There they made a cheesecake-like cream, and it held up against Hard Crack Toffee. That consists of the Cheesecake, French Vanilla, and Yogurt. The coconut part of this recipe consists of my favorite Coconut flavors wherein I combined them in a way that the aggregated combo enhanced the Guava flavor and did not interfere with it. I used Coconut in the first place because it seemed natural that coconut would complement a Tropical Fruit. All in all, I hope you enjoy this mix as much as I do. Comments welcome. Important Note: When you add the Pink Guava be Careful not to go over .75. I have tried this mix at slightly higher percentages, and I have found that in this mix, the Guava note gets flat, with less depth of flavor after .75 percent.
5(1 review)CompleteWayne Walker's Xmass Strawberries and Cream was so good That I have been focused on strawberry and Cream combos. What better way to start a profile in Strawberries and Cream than to lay down a base with Rose Milk!!!! Basically, this is a bunch of Strawberries and Creams that I like. I threw them together and played with the balance a little. I love the result.
0(0 reviews)CompleteMilky, smooth cheesecake, graham crust, and topped with blueberries and tart huckleberries. This is good off the shake, but as that vanilla custard cheesecake settles in it gets smoother and creamier. Additionally: Fo extra creaminess you can add 1/4 to 1/2 % CAP French Vanilla . I get an extra creamy, slightly buttery note at 1/2%…….
4(1 review)CompleteNOTE: I unchecked the SNV box because on Day 5 this just popped ..seriously.... Also as an Option .5 to 1.5 of OOO Strawberry Jam would add a splash or drizzle of strawberry syrup flavor. I say would because I haven't yet. I just got that flavor in and it tastes like 100 % sweet strawberry syrup. Late Post:I went with 1.25 (approx.) and it seems the more the better.The Jammy notes play off the AP notes in the cheesecake and it all plays out in front of the milkshake background. it makes for a delicious experience.
0(0 reviews)CompleteFlavor notes to come. I am referring to those delicious mints that are usually yellow, individually wrapped, and served to you after dinner, usually with your check, by restaurants. I tried to capture the powdery mint and buttery goodness that melts in your mouth as you make your way to your car in the parking lot. I hope you enjoy this. Comments welcome.
0(0 reviews)CompleteSometimes when I am looking for a flavor, it helps to knock on it's neighbors doors. Waffle and biscuit make up the french toast bakery notes. Once I settled on proportions and balance, the Maple and Butter worked like magic to authenticate the profile. This is a really delicious profile and is enjoyed by friends and work-mates. I received a lot of compliments on this one. I hope you enjoy it as well. If you try it, please help a brother out and leave a comment. Peace out.......
2.5(2 reviews)In ProgressIn the first place, I do regret that this is a whopping 21 percent flavoring percentage. Perhaps this can be whittled down, I have not tried it.....yet.
More importantly I do not want to reduce the flavors that this recipe bring out. I do not want to change any of the nuances that are present now. More importantly, this may be a remix but it is MY REMIX. As such I have had to choose direction of certain flavors. In the end this is inspired, very similar and very very delicious.
OK that said, this is a profile of an old school vape which no longer exists. The mix was Blue Balls, by Lung Candy. Back in '16, when local vape shops restocked this juice, it would be gone by the end of the day, not exaggerating. OK so here is how I did it:
Cheesecake: Of course NY Cheesecake, I also added INW Yes We Cheesecake because it is so good. I believe the Cheesecake role in this mix is to lie just under the blueberry flavor and to help lift it up over all the graham cracker flavor present. I felt 4.5 %, with the best part going to the older more likely used cheesecake, would be about right.
Graham Cracker Crust When you take a full bite of blueberry cheesecake you are at first overwhelmed with all this graham cracker. As you chew it the cheesecake comes to the fore and depending on the amount, so does the fruit topping. Also Graham cracker is the last flavor you taste and also what lingers on your pallet after you are finished. I could never find a Graham Cracker to fill this role properly until one day when I combined two unlikely hero's in this mission..... Graham Cracker DX (TPA) and Graham Cracker (TPA). Since it is the primary note and the base to this recipe, I had to make sure the flavor of this combination came forward, replicated the flavors of Blue Balls, and could remain front and center through-out the steep. After a few tries, 5% GC-DX and and 2% GC worked well.
Blueberry I had to go old school to recapture this flavor. LA Blueberry and CAP Wild Blueberry. These are lighter blueberries It was important to use this particular and unique blueberry flavor and not let this favor get lost or changed in this now heavy mix. To re-create Blue Balls, this flavor has to sit or lay right under the Graham Cracker, almost next to, ... the graham cracker. After a number of tries and quite a few batches I found a decent balance when I pushed TPA WIld Blueberry to 4 and Kept the LA Blueberry at 2.25 %.
Over the development Of this latest version I have been using an ASGARD Mini using a plain round dual wrap of 24 Ga. SSL wire, 6 wrap .18 ohm. and n Arcless Mech Mod by Mechlyfe as well as the Keen Mech Mod by Timesvape.
I hope you enjoy this recipe half as much as I do.
0(0 reviews)In ProgressI started this recipe in 2017. Back then Lord Nimbus Elixirs made a flavor called Prestige. They described it as "Caramelized Pears in a Golden Nut Cluster". It was amazing. This is a remix of sorts as well as a truly original recipe. My aim through the years has always remained true to the profile. Here I have Caramelized Pears in a Nut Cluster and dripping with Butterscotch. Please don't be fooled by the number of ingredients, this is a very enjoyable vape. I hope this recipe brings you much joy......
0(0 reviews)In ProgressThe is a Bread Pudding recipe that is very very similar to an old favorite of mine called Southern Bread Pudding by Turncoat Industries. If you re longing for a blast from the past whip it up and try it. It is good off the shake but at around day 3 or 4 the flavors settle in and it is magical. I hope you enjoy it.
Substitutions: we all know the old adage, if you change ingredients its not the same recipe. here we are trying to attain a flavor we once knew and loved. iIf you dont have something, then by all means, get creative. My advice is to get these flavors and step lightly when subbing.....
UPDATE: I mixed this on a friday evening about 8PM, it is now the following Tuesday evening at 7PM. Vaping this now I get alot of the notes I remember and love from the Turncoat Industries' -- SBP ...(Southern Bread Pudding). So Officially the steep time is 4 days. I know that as the time goes on this gets richer and richer as well. I hope you mix and find this an enjoyable throwback southern bread pudding as much as I do.... Cheers Gordo RETURN UPDATE: Big Shout-out to FalconOOO he found, and fixed on his own, a clerical error here. Somehow when putting this post up or sometime later, I posted FW Bavarian Cream instead of TPA BCream. I don’t know if it was a brain fart or I bumped it accidentally later on. However, it makes a HUGE difference in this mix. I came here to correct it and saw FalconOOO had commented that he had good results subbing TPA for FW Bav Cream. He prob thinks I’m trying to steal his thunder, but I’m not. This recipe is banging with TPA BAv Cream. But hey, try his Banana Nut Bread suggestion…it’s all him and judging from his discovery and comment, it’s prob excellent. Ok I feel much better knowing the right recipe is posted. This one is good.
4.75(8 reviews)In ProgressThis Started out as Caramelized Pears in an Apple Cider Pudding. However, once I finished the Apple Cider Pudding I didnt think adding any more flavors would improve on this awesome taste. So I figured I should just stop here.
As for the Pudding, I used Chemnovatic Vanilla Pudding, but ATF did not recognize it so I put in FLV Van Pudding, and its OK if you use FLV . Actually at that point in the recipe you can use 4% of Chemnovatic Van Pudding, or FLV Van Pudding, OR ... CAP Vanilla Custard V2. They all work well here at 4%.
I hope you enjoy this, it is an amazing Fall Flavor.... also refreshing in the heat....Thoughts and comments welcome....Enjoy
0(0 reviews)In ProgressDeveloped Pie. Blueberry Pie.
(This is Corrected as the first version transposed an earlier version of this recipe and the percentages were way way off). Nothing fancy, delicious buttery pie crust around blueberries and blackberries with some lemon thrown in to heighten the flavor experience.
0(0 reviews)In Progress
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