5 of 5 (2 reviews)
Years ago, in days of old, when magic filled the air, 'twas in the darkest depths of Mordor.. Yes, the immortal rock gods of Led Zeppelin were also blatant Lord of the Rings nerds, with numerous references in lyrical content and song titles, so uh, if you don't enjoy Tolkien's masterpiece, let's take it up with them!
Okay fanboying aside, leaves are turning and falling, apples and pumpkins are spontaneously erupting into the external world, logs are being burned, palettes are craving something appropriate to match the change in season.
May I humbly introduce this most Autumnal inspiration, an apple and butterscotch pipe tobacco, a flavor that immediately sent me flying through time, space and possibly dimensions into the coziest slice of land in all of Middle Earth. I could feel myself enjoying this as I rest on a nice patch of grass in the sunshine, or as I warm my feet beside the fire.
"Apples for walking, a pipe for sitting." The apple is the center of this vape, strong upfront and carrying throughout, the tobacco note creeping in spicily and growing throughout the exhale, the rest of the cast build a nice background for this flavor to shine.
Any thoughts, suggestions, tweaks, criticisms, etc are most welcome as always.
COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Highwind and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.
Flavoring Ingredients
Vendor | Name | % | Actions |
CAP | Cinnamon Danish Swirl | 0.75 | |
CAP | Vanilla Custard | 1 | |
FW | Butterscotch Ripple | 3 | |
FA | Apple Fuji | 3.75 | |
FA | Soho | 0.75 | |
INW | Classic For Pipe Black | 0.75 | |
TPA | Vanilla Bean Ice Cream | 1 | |
Conditioning Time: 14 Days Total Flavor: | 11% |