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4.59 of 5 (22 reviews)
Created By: MrColdOne
Added On: 03/02/17
Published On: 03/02/17
Updated On: 05/08/23

A simple 3 ingredient warm fresh out of the oven banana nut bread. This is a very simple, delicious recipe showcasing just how good TFA Banana Nut Bread is.

TFA Banana Nut Bread is such an amazing concentrate, one that really could stand all on its own here. With that being said I’ve always liked layering with Cap Sugar Cookie to really help the nutty bread notes shine, and give you that muffin grittiness and texture that you get with an actual Banana Nut Bread muffin.

The one complaint I’ve always had with TFA Banana Nut Bread and even Cap Sugar Cookie is they both are really great at first, but can fade away with time, also for me they both lack that mouthfeel that I need to have in my recipes and ADV’s.

Finishing with Cap VC V1 was a no brainer for me, I’ve always used Cap VC as almost a bandaid in some situations, especially in some of my lighter recipes that don’t quite have that bold mouthful. Here it really transforms this recipe into a fresh out of the oven Banana Nut Bread, and gives it that long lasting flavor and body, that’s just as good on day one as it will be on day 365, of which could be pretty difficult to achieve with just the two previous ingredients.

A few things I’ve been adding lately is 1% INW Shisha Vanilla which is probably my favorite rich vanilla flavoring as of 01/2021. That along with 2% Cap Vanilla whipped cream, combined they really help bring out the richness and fluffiness of this recipe while adding some complexity to the vanilla notes. Again this is a great recipe on its own as a 3 ingredient recipe, but if you like vanilla’s as much as me give it a try.

This was something I used to mix up quite a bit and is still to to this day one of my ADV’s so figured I'd share for those that like the simple recipes that are just as good, if not better then some of the multiple ingredient recipes. Hope you enjoy!

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of MrColdOne and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSugar Cookie 3
CAPVanilla Custard 3
TPABanana Nut Bread 7
Conditioning Time: 1 Days Total Flavor:13%
