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Created By: TimboSlice
Added On: 10/08/22
Published On: 10/08/22
Updated On: 11/13/22

Another inspired by cheap snacks at Aldi recipe. I wanted to make it a 4,3,2,1, .5 for fun. After the judging I will tune this one up. I went back and forth between the simply cake at 4 and custard cake at 4 and decided since I almost find custard cake to be an OK standalone might as well lead in with that. Im fairly cinnamon sensitive so went with the caramel cinnamon roll low because I get more than enough cinnamon from that and the caramel guts pretty buried in all that cake. Off the shake I can tell it needs a few days to settle down.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of TimboSlice and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPCustard Cake 4
FWCaramel Cinnamon Roll 1
JFBiscuit 0.5
PURSimply Cake 3
WFCrumble Topping SC 2
Conditioning Time: 3 Days Total Flavor:10.5%
