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5 of 5 (1 reviews)
Created By: UonlyVAPEonce
Added On: 11/03/21
Published On: 11/03/21
Updated On: 05/08/23

I love VCT's i also love the beautiful coastal wolves that inhabit my mother land of beautiful Vancouver Island. I also love DIY and the entire Experience of vaping. I love all aspects of my Journey through quitting smoking to my passion for the gear the personalities and the fun of mixing Peoples recipes and trying my hand at my own. I would love it if you tried my recipe. I absolutely love Custard premium And thanks to Chefs Flavour Creative line i can actually afford it here shipped to Canada. I feel it to be so rich and almost like flv vanilla pudding. I love bourbon aged cream also and love recipes that incorporate tobaccos with creamy hints of bourbon nestled in whisps of vanilla. Thank you Wayne Thank you Noted Thank you Mixin Vixens Thank you Developed Thank you Fresh and Friends Thank you Addy Thank you Rugly Thank you Sessions Thank you Alfred Just thank all you Crazy caring mixers helping other mixers. Sometimes the world is shit. And our governments want us to smoke and it seems bleek or angers me but i just wanted to drop some gratitude on this recipe in the hope that even one person reads it and it makes them feel better to know that there are other mixers out there who really appreciate all the hard work the OG's and new mixers are doing!!!!

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of UonlyVAPEonce and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

FACustard Premium 4
TPAAcetyl Pyrazine 5% 0.2
TPADx Peanut Butter 2
WFBourbon Aged Cream SC 1.5
WFVanilla Ruyan Custard 2
Conditioning Time: 7 Days Total Flavor:10.7%
