Recipe Image
0 of 5 (0 reviews)
Created By: n0ctem
Added On: 09/14/21
Published On: 09/14/21
Updated On: 11/23/21

Frosted Flakes with marshmallows and and a healthy pour of whole milk.

Still working out the kinks with this one, very likely will make modifications over a short time where possible. If you mix it, and want to contribute suggestions, I love suggestions.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of n0ctem and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CNVCorn Flakes 2
FAMilk 2
JFMarshmallow 1
OOOPowdered Sugar 1
Conditioning Time: 7 Days Total Flavor:6%
