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5 of 5 (1 reviews)
Created By: Alch3m1st
Added On: 09/09/21
Published On: 09/09/21
Updated On: 05/08/23

A very accurate/freshly baked Cinnabon style cinnamon roll. w/Cream Cheese Icing that breaks apart in your mouth

Experience the icing melt into your mouth as a symphony of flavor/texture envelope your senses. The freshly baked cinnamon roll, beckons shortly after with a soft gooey sweetness along with a hint of that Cinnabon style spice you have come to love

  • Possibly need an additional cinnamon added if you like that extra kick, although I do not own one yet to test it out with.

Treat yo self to this dessert that is almost a certainty to leave you satiated and happy. An impression that you will surely leave you thinking it's not just good it's Da Bomb

  • (CAP) V.B.I.C used in conjunction with New York Cheesecake icing to add dimension/depth to the icing.
  • (TFA) Whipped Cream used as an emulsifier/mouth feel agent.
  • Simple recipe and I Believe it's a V1 and done, tell me I'm wrong I dare you ;)
  • Keep super sweet percentage from .75-1.25% for accuracy and maximum flavor density
  • Enjoy fresh off the shake, SnV approved!

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Alch3m1st and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPNew York Cheesecake 2
CAPVanilla Bean Ice Cream 3
FWCinnamon Roll 6
TPAWhipped Cream 1
Conditioning Time: 2 Days Total Flavor:12%
