5 of 5 (3 reviews)
Have you ever asked yourself what's inside Donkey Kong's barrels? What does a monkey do with barrels besides throwing them like crazy towards unwanted guests? On my way through the flavor-jungle called "Beginner Blending: Mixxed Competition", I found the answer. The only logical purpose must be: he uses these barrels to steep his favorite e-juice ;)
"Donkey Kong's Secret" is a composure of creamy bananas and peanuts with a nutty RY4-tobacco note, steeped in old oak barrels. Enjoy!
TPA Banana Cream No doubt: Donkey Kong loves bananas. And what else should a banana-expert use than the best banana flavor out there.
TPA Peanut Butter Every monkey likes peanuts. TFA Peanut Butter adds a nice peanut taste to the juice that blends good with the banana and the nutty aspect of FA Soho.
TPA Bavarian Cream Adds more creaminess and a tasty vanilla note to the mix.
FA Soho FA Soho is a RY4-like tobacco flavor with a very nutty and woody character. Being a weaker flavor, compared to other FA flavors, I used it around 5-7% depending on how much of a tobacco note I wanted.
TPA Red Oak Red Oak adds a more woody note to the juice, creating the impression that the juice steeped in Donkey Kong's oak barrels.
FW Butterscotch Ripple FW Butterscotch Ripple adds a caramel note and turns the FA Soho even more to a RY4-tobacco. Moreover it adds some sweetness to the juice and blends together the whole mix. If you like it a bit darker and more sweet you can substitute FW Butterscotch Ripple for FA Butterscotch @ 0.5%.
TPA Sweetener Take a look at Donkey Kong's hostage (I think her name was Pauline) and you'll know: he likes it sweet ;) Add to your liking between 0.2 to 1% TFA sweetner.
Notes: Mixed at 70/30 (VG/PG). Steep: minimum Steep over night, best after 3-5 days.
COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Agathodaemon and has been released under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.
Flavoring Ingredients
Vendor | Name | % | Actions |
FW | Butterscotch Ripple | 1 | |
FA | Soho | 6.5 | |
TPA | Banana Cream | 3.5 | |
TPA | Bavarian Cream | 3 | |
TPA | Peanut Butter | 3.5 | |
TPA | Red Oak | 0.5 | |
TPA | Sweetener | 0.2 | |
Conditioning Time: 4 Days Total Flavor: | 18.2% |