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5 of 5 (6 reviews)
Created By: Kopel
Added On: 01/22/19
Published On: 01/22/19
Updated On: 05/08/23

Touching base with an old friend recently, he expressed his long love affair with Castle Long. It was an old profile that I hadn't visited in a very long time. Being who I am I couldn't resist a take on the old versions we've all tried and try to do something a bit bigger and a bit bolder with it.

The Coconut: While I'm fairly positive the original used TPA Coconut Extra, I feel like it goes too quickly to hand lotion without a ridiculously long steep, and it's just less forgiving. TPA Coconut Candy is creamier, sweeter, and frankly just better all around IMO. At 5% it's bold, bright, and doesn't fade behind the wall of other stuff we got going on here.

The Almond: It's two parts here, with TPA Toasted Almond leading the way, with some CAP Cereal 27 to back up the nutty background while also giving a faint bit of grain. The grain texture also serves to boost up the Red Oak in our Bourbon Layer

The Bourbon: TPA Kentucky Bourbon is still the most buildable bourbon on the market to me. At 2.5% it's plenty bold enough to come all the way through, with a little FA Whisky to give a fair bit of peaty bite to the top end. TPA Red Oak helps it hit those woody notes

The finisher: TPA Vanilla Swirl gives us a mild body at 1.5% and a fairly bright vanilla. Along with a healthy splash of TPA Brown Sugar we get a rounded sweetness without too much extra heavy background.

I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed creating it! Cheers!

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Kopel and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPCereal 27 1
FAWhisky 0.5
TPABrown Sugar 1
TPACoconut Candy 5
TPAKentucky Bourbon 2.5
TPARed Oak 2
TPAToasted Almond 1.5
TPAVanilla Swirl 1.5
Conditioning Time: 14 Days Total Flavor:15%
