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Created By: Kuri_SanTou
Added On: 05/10/22
Published On: 05/10/22
Updated On: 05/10/22

Salted Caramel Tiramisu. WF Caramel (Salted) & FW Caramel (Salted) for the Salted Caramel layer.

INW Custard & TFA Vanilla Custard II for the bulk of the dessert. OOO Marshmallow (Vanilla) & INW Shisha Vanilla adds to the creamy vanilla notes.

SSA Tiramisu does all the heavy lifting at 1.75%. MB Cookie Bite for some crust and chocolate notes.

It all comes together around the seven day mark when the Tiramisu settles down and stops bullying everything.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of Kuri_SanTou and has been released under the CC Attribution 4.0 license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CAPSuper Sweet 0.3
FWCaramel (salted) 2.25
INWCustard 2
INWShisha Vanilla 1
MBCookie Bite 2.75
OOOMarshmallow (Vanilla) 1.5
SSATiramisu 1.75
TPAVanilla Custard II 2.75
WFCaramel (Salted) 1.75
Conditioning Time: 7 Days Total Flavor:16.05%
