Recipe Image
5 of 5 (10 reviews)
Created By: wolfwheeler
Added On: 12/07/21
Published On: 12/23/21
Updated On: 05/08/23
vanilla custard




It is time.

Just Vanilla Custard.

FA Custard Premium to form the base.

CNV Vanilla Pudding to help reinforce.

WF Egg Yolk because I’m sick of all of these custard recipes not using it. Big Cat thinks this needs a better explanation, but I can’t give one. This is sweetened egg yolk like the flavor of tamago. Why wouldn’t we be putting this in every custard? Recycled recipes with CAP, TFA, and FA with some dumb shit that gives it just enough custard presence to skate by? Fuck that. Explore your options. These recipes are about creating the best offering that we could make for ourselves. Put egg in custard.

FA Bourbon Vanilla to add a darker, spiced vanilla instead of a lighter commercial one.

SSA Ice Cream Vanilla for butter and mouthfeel.

PUR Simply Cake to make this thing thiiiiiiiick.

COPYRIGHT: This recipe is the property of wolfwheeler and has been released without a license. You may not copy, derive or commercialize this recipe without following the terms of this license or the explicit permission of the creator.

Flavoring Ingredients

CNVVanilla Pudding 1.5
FWSweetener 0.25
FABourbon (vanilla Bourbon) 1
FACustard Premium 2.5
PURSimply Cake 2
SSAIce Cream Vanilla 1.5
WFEgg Yolk SC 0.3
Conditioning Time: 10 Days Total Flavor:9.05%
